300 Powderhorn Road, Simpsonville, SC 29681 864-967-3410
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PHOA Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at
7:00 pm at the clubhouse unless otherwise posted.
All residents are invited to attend.
For additional information....
Troubled by the tree removal process? Perplexed on how to get your pool passes? In a dilemma about paying your dues?
What do I do if I need to have a tree removed?
What is the procedure if I want to put up a fence or shed?
What events are coming up in Powderhorn?
What are the current dates of the Powderhorn neighborhood yard sales?
How do I get my pool passes?
What is the pool schedule?
Who do I need to talk to about renting the clubhouse?
How can I get a tennis court key?
How much are the HOA dues?
How do I transfer my HOA membership when I sell my house?

Traffic laws are enforceable by Simpsonville Police Department.
The speed limit on all streets within Powderhorn is 25 mph, and only licensed individuals should operate motor vehicles.
Please always be mindful of those backing out of driveways
and walkers in our community .
Poppins is a spirited and standout font that takes its inspiration from handwriting. It's sure to grab your reader's attention, especially in short paragraphs.
The City of Simpsonville leaf pick-up runs from October through April
Please do NOT place your leaves/lawn debris on the streets as it causes unsafe conditions for people, cars and motorcycles.

Long Term Parking on the Streets of Powderhorn
We have received many complaints AGAIN about people continuing to park their cars long term along the streets (sometimes on both sides of the street) in Powderhorn.
This is especially a problem along Powderhorn Road leading to the back of the subdivision.
Parking on our streets should be temporary and not long term. If you park on the street long term, you are violating the Code of Ordinances of the City of Simpsonville.
Sec. 34-82. - Blocking streets and alleys.
No person shall stop, stand, or park any vehicle upon a street other than an alley, in a manner or under conditions as to obstruct the well-traveled portion of the roadway, except that a driver may stop temporarily during the actual loading or unloading of passengers or when necessary in obedience to traffic regulations or traffic signs or signals of a police officer.
Please be considerate of your fellow neighbors and possibly emergency vehicles and
do NOT park long term on the streets in Powderhorn.
You CAN make a difference Powderhorn!
Simpsonville is your stomping ground Powderhorn! To make a change, everyone must start
somewhere and get involved.
A good place to start to see what is going on in our beautiful little town of Simpsonville is to attend a
City Council meeting. The agendas and meetings are posted on the City of Simpsonville website.
The link is listed below for your convenience.
Be a POSITIVE force in our great neighborhood!
If you would like to cut down trees, put up a fence, put an addition on your house, build a shed, etc.,
you MUST fill out an "Architectural Change Request" form BEFORE YOU HAVE THE WORK DONE and
submit it to the Architectural Director.
For additional information, please contact the Architectural Director at
Click here for the "Architectural Change Request" form.
All Powderhorn homeowners should receive a copy of the Powderhorn covenants when they move
into the subdivision. If you did not receive a copy of the Powderhorn covenants or if you need
another copy, please click here.
about us
The Powderhorn Homeowners Association, Inc was incorporated in 1977 and is located in Simpsonville, SC.
The Powderhorn HOA is responsible for the amenities, assessment collections, landscape, payments, etc. for Powderhorn subdivision.
The street names in Powderhorn subdivision were named not only after Civil War battles but also locations important in the war.
Fun fact....The beautiful city of Simpsonville, SC has been home to numerous famous people such as professional golfers Justin Bolli & Lucas Glover, actress Danielle Brooks, NASCAR driver Shane Hall as well as other sports stars such as Chandler Catanzaro (New York Jets), Jamon Meredith (Green Bay Packers), Emilio Pagan (Oakland A’s) and Travelle Wharton (Carolina Panthers) to name just a few.

HOA Board meeting 11/11
HOA Holiday Party 12/14
HOA Board Meeting 1/13